From 7-17 October 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies delivered a faculty development workshop in Washington, D.C., for the Saudi Armed Forces Joint Command and Staff College. NESA Center Academic Advisor Andrea Brewington designed and led the workshop with support from Dr. Wayne Clark.

The two-week event focused on delivering curriculum within the professional military education (PME) environment. It aimed to support the Saudi Arabian National Defense University (NDU) Joint Command and Staff College faculty by targeting specific curriculum areas. Participants studied how various subjects are delivered in U.S. PME institutions and how they might be contextualized for the Saudi Arabian audience.

A diverse range of topics were covered by NESA Center subject matter experts (SMEs), who were supported by colleagues from the wider NDU community. The course was opened and welcomed by NESA Center Deputy Director COL David Lamm, USA (Ret.), followed by Professors Adam Oler and Jamie Orr, who delivered cerebral lessons on Strategic Logic. Dr. Wayne Clark then delivered excellent sessions on Defense Management, AM&E, and a thought-provoking lesson on harnessing Artificial Intelligence in Teaching. The program continued with renowned Professor David Des Roches, who delivered insightful lessons on International Relations. Associate Dean Charles Marks delivered vital lessons and exercises on National Security and Military Strategy; he then had the honor of wrapping up the course with the topics of Ethical Leadership and the Role of Strategic Leaders.

The course was well-received, thanks to the diverse range of SMEs who shared examples from their own experiences while offering support and guidance to participants. The program was highly appreciated, with participants fully engaged throughout, as reflected in the positive feedback received. This event continues the NESA Center partnership in support of the Saudi Armed Forces and their efforts to transform Saudi PME.