President Al-Sisi Puts Egypt Back on its Feet

By LTC Sami Alshehri, Saudi Arabian Military, US Central Command: Strategy Plans and Policy Directorate; Combined Strategic Analysis Group
30 Mar 2021


As some have observed, the Muslim Brotherhood government that followed the 2011 revolution completely failed and created a power vacuum. However, Brotherhood rule in Egypt effectively ended the utopian idea that political Islam works for both Islamists and non-Islamists. Following mass protests against the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi’s rule, Egypt removed Morsi from office, briefly operated under an interim government, and then elected President Abdel-Fatah Al-Sisi in May 2014. President Al-Sisi inherited a country on the brink of collapse due to the so-called ‘Arab Spring.’ This crisis prompted widespread protests and created a nationwide disturbance that threatened Egypt’s stability and national security.

President Al-Sisi’s government faced various challenges that stretched beyond political division and internal unrest. He inherited an economy in crisis, a disillusioned society, public insecurity, political instability, and deteriorated regional and global relations. Egypt experienced a difficult period in which it deteriorated politically, economically, and socially. Egypt’s population suffering peaked due to the disastrous revolution which caused the economy to collapse, empowered terrorists, and cost Egypt its historical, regional and global political influence.

Many did not envision that Egypt would so quickly stand back on its feet, overcome its pains, and achieve such a comprehensive renaissance as it has. Since Al-Sisi’s 2014 election, the country shows increasing signs of recovery and a positive outlook. A new path towards stability and prosperity emerged. Although President Al-Sisi inherited a country after years of turmoil, his government quickly managed, through significant reform efforts, to provide vital political, economic, social, and security developments. The wide range of government-implemented reforms are helping the improvements gain momentum.  

Key Points:

  • President Al-Sisi inherited a country on the brink of collapse due to the so-called “Arab Spring.”
  • Egypt needed a strong leader to pull the country from the turmoil, consolidate political control, and restore stability and order.
  • President Al-Sisi focused on the economy as the key to stability, social, and public security.
  • Egypt’s economic development vision focuses not only on economic growth, but also social justice.
  • The government is effectively countering extremism and successfully stunted radical ideology.
  • Egypt exercised a balanced and responsible foreign policy to address regional tensions.

Read the complete paper here.

The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of a number of international officers within the Combined Strategic Analysis Group (CSAG) and do not necessarily reflect the views of United States Central Command, not of the nations represented within the CSAG or any other governmental agency.