
The Dynamics of the Fragile State of Iraq: The Impact of Political, Economic, and Security Factors

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: CSAG   03 July 2024 Subject:The Dynamics of the Fragile State of Iraq: The Impact of Political, Economic, and Security Factors. Purpose: This paper presents the CSAG’s analysis of the political, economic and security dynamics in Iraq, the extent of Iranian influence within the country, and potential future trajectories for Iraq. Read More >

The Future of Middle East States

NESA Alumnus Hussein Solomon writes: “It is clear that the European Westphalian state system which was imported into the Middle East by colonial powers through the Sykes-Picot Line in 1916 is under threat. In some cases, such as Libya and Yemen, state collapse is a reality, while in others the future of political authority is Read More >

Algeria: Between Democracy and Jihad – Professor Hussein Solomon

Algeria’s 82-year-old President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has certainly lived a charmed life. He has been in politics since the dawn of his country’s independence and has suffered setbacks from which he has recovered. Serving as Algeria’s president for 20 years, he watched whilst the Arab Spring unfolded in the region. Read more: https://bit.ly/2HyjVV0