
The Dynamics of the Fragile State of Iraq: The Impact of Political, Economic, and Security Factors

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: CSAG   03 July 2024 Subject:The Dynamics of the Fragile State of Iraq: The Impact of Political, Economic, and Security Factors. Purpose: This paper presents the CSAG’s analysis of the political, economic and security dynamics in Iraq, the extent of Iranian influence within the country, and potential future trajectories for Iraq. Read More >

Iraq’s New Leadership: Hopes and Expectations

بالعربية Pусский Hassan Abbas, NESA Center After a prolonged political deadlock, Iraq finally has a new prime minister: former Iraqi intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi, an independent candidate. The task before him is gigantic, with challenges ranging from economic crisis due to coronavirus and collapsing oil revenues, to deteriorating relations with the U.S. and a worsening Read More >