From 23–25 April 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, along with Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS), conducted a workshop entitled “Maritime Security, the Indo-Pacific, and Advancing Maritime Domain Awareness” in Jakarta, Indonesia. The local host and partner for the event was the National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset Dan Inovasi Nasional – BRIN). Nearly 60 participants took part in the event, representing 14 countries. Issues discussed included how minilateral arrangements are impacting regional maritime security efforts, how innovation challenges existing approaches to maritime governance, and the state of maritime information sharing. The event was led by NESA Center Assistant Professor Jeffrey Payne along with Professor David McElyea of DKI APCSS.

Read the workshop report which includes an executive summary, findings, policy recommendations, and an appendix with the three winning submissions from the Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies (YCAPS) who facilitated the contest. Indo-Pacific Minilateral Series: Maritime Security, the Indo-Pacific, and Advancing Maritime Domain Awareness Workshop
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