On 30 March 2023, a group from the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, including Deputy Director COL David Lamm, USA (Ret.); Professor Dr. Jennifer Jefferis; Professor Dr. Michael Sharnoff; Executive Officer Sam Marrero; Outreach and Alumni Coordinator Christopher Muller; and three NESA interns met in the Director’s office with Dr. Eitan Shamir, Director of the Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies. The BESA Center is an independent think tank affiliated with Bar-Ilan University in Israel. It analyzes Middle Eastern and global strategic issues, especially as they relate to the national security and foreign policy of Israel and regional peace and stability. Dr. Shamir shared his views on Israel’s judicial reform and the series of Israeli protests that have challenged proposed changes to the country’s legal system. He expressed his interest in partnering with the NESA Center for future engagements.