SANDU Faculty Development & Transformation Support Workshop

From 2–11 October 2023, the NESA Center for Strategic Studies delivered a seven-day Faculty Development and Transformation Support Workshop to the Saudi Arabian National Defense University (SANDU) War Wing. The workshop was held at National Defense University in Washington, D.C. The War Wing Commandants, MG Sadd and MG Hassan, and twelve senior faculty attended the workshop to explore the Systems Approach to Training (SAT), Strategy, Strategic Communications, and Negotiations.

SANDU Faculty Development & Transformation Support Workshop group photograph outside NESA Center offices on 4 October 2023.


The SAT was delivered to assist faculty as they begin to transform the War Wing, with the target to become the senior accredited Defense College of Saudi Arabia. The approach assisted with developing thinking on Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) requirement settings, curriculum design, assessment strategies, and evaluation. The War Wing Faculty were delighted to learn about the processes surrounding the management and delivery of education.

Speakers from the left: Dr. Wayne Clark, COL David Lamm, USA (Ret.), and Maj Andrea Brewington, UK (Ret).


NESA Center Acting Director COL David Lamm, USA (Ret.) welcomed the group and provided a NESA Programs overview. Subject matter experts and faculty, including NESA Center Academic Advisor Andrea Brewington, NESA Center Program Manager Matthew Holbert, NESA Center Dr. Wayne Clark, NESA Center Associate Professor David Des Roches, and American Institute of Artificial Intelligence CEO Dr. Ali Naqvi delivered lectures in targeted areas of the curriculum to update faculty knowledge in those areas. The Commandants led the discussions to reflect on the application of theory to SANDU.

SANDU Faculty Development & Transformation Support Workshop participants engaging in the application of theory.


The NESA team was also delighted to share in MG Hassan Al Malki’s amazing news as he was promoted from Brigadier General to Major General — receiving the news while he attended the workshop.


The views presented in this article are those of the speaker or author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its components.