
Senior Executive Seminar: Global & Regional Power Competition

From 15-19 November 2021, the Near East South Asia Center (NESA) hosted a virtual Senior Executive Seminar titled “Global and Regional Power Competition.” The seminar started off with welcomes from Course Director Dr. Michael Sharnoff, NESA Center Academic Dean Dr. Roger Kangas, and NESA Center Director LTG Terry A. Wolff, USA (Ret.). The five-day seminar Read More >

Impact of Turkey’s Space Program on the Security Environment in CENTCOM’s AOR

By: CDR Azamat Murzabekov, Kazakhstan Armed Forces, CSAG CCJ5 13 July 2021 Introduction: Over the last decade, Turkey has invested in its space ambitions, resulting in the strengthening of its space-related know-how and strengthening its position within the global arena. In 2011, RASAT, and 2012, Gokturk 2, were launched into orbit. The two Earth Observation Read More >

A Turkish-Saudi Rapprochement Could Promote Stability in the Region

Dr. Dania Koleilat Khatib is a NESA Alumnus and a specialist in US-Arab relations with a focus on lobbying. She holds a PhD in politics from the University of Exeter and is an affiliated scholar with the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut. Dr. Khatib frequently Read More >

COVID-19: Health and Economic Crises

بالعربية Pусский Dr. Gawdat Bahgat, NESA Since mid-February, people in the NESA region and around the world have been suffering from two overlapping crises – a health crisis and an economic one. Turkey and Iran have had the largest number of infected cases, but the virus has not spared any country in the region or Read More >

The Struggle for the Mediterranean: New Twists in the Coronavirus Crisis

Col. (ret.) Dr. Eran Lerman, NESA Alumnus and Vice President, Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS) On 29 March 2020 a French navy frigate, the Provence, patrolling the Mediterranean as part of Operation Naval Guard, intercepted a Turkish freighter on its way to Tripoli, Libya, and forced it to change course. The French had Read More >

Views on Syria: What Should the U.S. Do?

Dr. Dania Koleilat Khatib is a NESA Alumnus and a specialist in US-Arab relations with a focus on lobbying. She holds a PhD in politics from the University of Exeter and is an affiliated scholar with the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut. Dr. Khatib frequently Read More >

Turkey, US and Russia may Prioritize Stability in Syria

“US President Donald Trump on Tuesday March 31st had a phone call with Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss cease-fires in Libya and Syria in the light of the dangers posed by the coronavirus pandemic. This is a very positive sign that, when facing the same threat, which does not differentiate between nations, ethnicities or Read More >