
Lebanon: A Potential Game Changer in the CENTCOM AOR

CSAG STRATEGY PAPER By: LTC GIAMPIERO CURRADO, ITA Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 16 January 2024   Overview: Years of political instability in combination with an ongoing economic crisis — exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the explosion in the Port of Beirut in August 2020 — have brought the country close to collapse. Moreover, the current institutional vacuum Read More >

Sanctions on Russia and Economic Impact for Central Asia

CSAG STRATEGY PAPER By: Identity withheld in accordance with partner nation agreement. (CSAG/CCJ5) 8 December 2023   Overview: The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created a geopolitical challenge to the world order. The Russian attack violated not only Ukraine’s security and sovereignty, but also the rules-based international order and created a global economic, political and Read More >

Analyzing The Kashmir Conflict – Chinese Connection and Implications for the US

CSAG STRATEGY PAPER By: LTC Kashif Ehtisham, Pakistan Army (CSAG/CCJ5)  17 November  2023   Overview: The dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir has resulted in decades of hostility, including three wars. The Kashmir dispute is the oldest pending dispute on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which merits earnest world attention Read More >

ISIS Strategic Communication is Derailed

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: LTC Junghyok Kim, KOR Army (CSAG/CCJ5) and MAJ Felix Badut, ROU Army (CSAG/CCJ5)   29 September 2023 Subject: ISIS Strategic Communication is Derailed. Purpose: An analysis of whether ISIS has changed its strategic communication (SC) messaging by purposefully decreasing its presence in mass media and social media, as a strategy, or Read More >

Is CENTCOM Prescribing the ‘Suitable Medicine’ to Deter Iran?

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: Lt Col Kashif Ehtisham, Pakistan Army (CSAG/CCJ5)   29 September 2023 Subject: Is CENTCOM Prescribing the ‘Suitable Medicine’ to Deter Iran? Purpose: To present CSAG analysis of the recent deployment of additional US troops and assets in the Middle East (ME) to deter Iran, within the context of the current strategic Read More >

Chinese-brokered Iran-KSA Détente, “A Game-Changer or a Mirage?”

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: LTC Kashif Ehtisham, PAK Army (CSAG/CCJ5) and LTC René Berendsen, NLD Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 12 September 2023 Subject: Chinese-brokered Iran-KSA Détente, “A Game-Changer or a Mirage?” Purpose: To present CSAG’s analysis of the recent rapprochement between Iran and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) brokered by China. Read the complete paper here.   Read More >

Deir ez-Zor: Critical Juncture in the Process Towards Syria’s Normalization

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: Lt Col Richard Pecinka, CZE AF (CSAG/CCJ5), LTC René Berendsen, NLD Army (CSAG/CCJ5), and MAJ Felix Badut, ROU Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 12 September 2023 Subject: Deir ez-Zor: Critical Juncture in the Process Towards Syria’s Normalization Purpose: To present CSAG’s analysis of the strategic significance of Deir ez-Zor in shaping the future of Read More >

The Russian War’s Impact on Global Order

CSAG STRATEGY PAPER By: CDR Hubert Mróz, POL Navy (CSAG/CCJ5) 15 August  2023   Overview: The Russian invasion of Ukraine has challenged established international norms and principles. The annexation of Crimea and subsequent full invasion of Ukraine violated Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, which are fundamental principles of international law. The conflict has tested the Read More >

The Quran Desecration and its Implications – Perspectives of Partners

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: LTC Kashif Ehtisham, PAK Army (CSAG/CCJ5), MAJ Ibrahim Elveren, TUR Army (CSAG/CCJ5), and COL Mohammed Sayed, EGY Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 2 August 2023 Subject: The Quran Desecration and its Implications – Perspectives of Partners Purpose: This paper aims to present the CSAG’s analysis regarding the current incidents of Quran burning, why it Read More >

Pirates of the Middle East Gulfs

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: LCDR Stipe Skelin, Croatian Navy (CSAG/CCJ5) and LTC René Berendsen, NLD Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 18 July 2023 Subject: Pirates of the Middle East Gulfs Purpose: This paper aims to present the CSAG’s analysis regarding how Iran is using a calculated provocative approach, to enhance their bargaining power by creating leverage during negotiations, Read More >