Bilateral Business Councils, An Inclusive Lever of Algeria’s Economic Diplomacy

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui – Geopolitics expert, member of the Advisory Council of Experts of the World Economic Forum, and stakeholder in various ‘Track 2’ working groups of the United Nations System (UNSCR 1540). 5 July 2024   Algeria is undoubtedly moving towards a new era where it is active in aligning itself with Read More >

G7 Summit: Algeria strategic partner in MediterAfrica

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui – Geopolitics expert and Chairman of the Consultancy and Studies Center ( and member of the Istanbul Economic Cooperation Platform (UIP) 15 June 2024   The G7 Summit held in Borgo from June 13 to 15 placed by the organizing country, Italy, under the generic topic of Africa, multilateralism, Read More >

The Trilateral North Africa Alliance Initiative

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui – Geopolitics expert and Chairman of the Consultancy and Studies Center ( and member of the Istanbul Economic Cooperation Platform (UIP) 13 May 2024   1. Overview Algeria has initiated in the 2024 first quarter a new North Africa trilateral regional cooperation alliance gathering Tunisia and Libya. According Read More >

Algeria-Turkey: Consolidating the Strategic Partnership

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui – Geopolitics expert and Chairman of the Consultancy and Studies Center ( and member of the Istanbul Economic Cooperation Platform (UIP) 26 December 2023 The latest state visit of Turkish President Erdogan to Algeria in mid-November 2023 allowed Algiers and Ankara to consolidate the strategic partnership of their Read More >

IAEA: Algeria Elected as a Member of the Agency’s Board of Governors for 2023–2025 (Analysis)

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui – Chairman of NSV Studies and Consultancy Center, Member of the Expert Advisory Council of the World Economic Forum and the “Track 2” Task Force of the United Nations System (UNCSR-1540), and NESA Center for Strategic Studies Alumni. 10 October 2023   Algeria was elected by the 67th Read More >

The Politico-Military Crisis in Niger Intensifies the Risk of Blowing up the Sub-Saharan and North Africa Regions

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui – Chairman of NSV Consultancy & Studies Center and an active member of the ‘Track 2’ Working Group of the United Nations System (UNSCR-1540) 6 August 2023 The military coup of July 26, 2023, in Niger was linked, on the one hand, to the insecurity in particular in Read More >


NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 20 Juin 2023   1. LE CONTEXTE Dix-sept éléments du tableau périodique dénommés « terres rares » jouent un rôle Read More >

L’Algérie affirme son appartenance géoéconomique méditerranéenne avec sa profondeur africaine

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 27 Janvier 2023 Depuis la crise politico-militaire Russo-ukrainienne, la région Méditerranée s’est révélée le théâtre de manoeuvres politico-diplomatiques Read More >

SOMMET DE DAVOS 2023 (analyse)

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 20 Janvier 2023 Au regard des discussions au Forum de Davos, je réaffirme sans ambiguité que le  paysage Read More >


NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 2 Janvier 2022 L’Algérie signataire du Traité de Non-Prolifération  des Armes de Destruction Massive continue sans relache à Read More >