
How Khedija Arfaoui’s Tragedy Strengthened her Peace Activism in Tunisia

On New Year’s Eve 2017, a suicide bombing in Istanbul left 40 dead. Among those who lost their loved ones is longtime Tunisian peace activist, academic, and NESA Alumnus Khedija Arfaoui. Although Arfaoui is still in disbelief that she will no longer see her son and daughter-in-law, she continues to raise her voice in the Read More >

Turkey-China Relations: From “Strategic Cooperation” to “Strategic Partnership”?

The signing of a joint communiqué in 2000, which was followed by a flurry of reciprocal visits and an uptick in bilateral trade, set Turkey’s relations with China on a positive trajectory. The relationship began to develop rapidly ten years later, when, during Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Turkey, Ankara and Beijing signed agreements Read More >

From Democratization to Securitization: Post‐Arab Spring Political Order in the Middle East

This article examines the question: why and how the wave of democratization in the Middle East has receded, giving way to the prioritization of security in the post‐Arab Spring by conducting analyses at three levels: societal, state, and international. By applying the main concepts and theories found in the literature on democratization and securitization and Read More >

U.S. National Security Strategy 2018- English, French, Russian, Dari

President Donald Trump released his administrations U.S. National Security Strategy. See his vision here. The four main pillars of his new strategy include: Protecting the U.S. from threats. Promoting American prosperity. Preserving “peace through strength.” Advancing American influence. Take a look at his vision and further explanation of the pillars here in: English (web-link); English Read More >

Arab States and the Alienation of the Masses: Pre and post Arab Spring

State polices and the strategic choices of the ruling elite have alienated the Arab people. This paper analyzes the source of the Arab masses alienation by the state using the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI) and the World Wide Governance Indicators along the following dimensions: lack of political participation; unstable democratic institutions; lack of political Read More >

How to Dull Turkey’s Autocratic Edge

The European Union and the United States face a remarkably similar set of challenges in dealing with Turkey. They both have long-standing relationships with Ankara and important interests at stake in the country’s future. Yet the arrangements that have historically anchored each of their respective ties with Turkey—the promise of Turkey’s eventual EU accession and Read More >

Irregular War: ISIS and The New Threat From The Margins

Over the past two years, several books have appeared focusing on Islamic State (IS). These have largely focused on its history, its ideological appeal or its propensity to make use of social media to spread its message of hate. Other publications have examined the subject matter from a military perspective – that of counter-insurgency. In Read More >

The Evolution of Islamic State’s Strategy

Despite having a vast number of forces arrayed against it – the United States-led coalition, Putin’s Moscow, Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah, Kurdish Peshmerga and the regimes in Baghdad and Damascus – Islamic State (IS) has expanded into other areas. Despite losing territory in Iraq and Syria, IS is growing in the Far East, the Read More >

Countering ISIS Online Propaganda

In the recent years, ISIS’ propaganda has become a major point of discussion among academicians and policy makers alike. The propaganda churned out by the group has reached massive proportions and has produced a certain quality just due to the numbers. Slick videos, graphic designs and remarkable photo shopping skills are characteristic of the group’s Read More >

ISIS Lone Wolf Attacks: Implications for Indian Security

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has faced many military losses in the middle east. It lost its last stronghold of Libya, Sirte and many key towns and cities in Iraq and Syria such as Fallujah, Kirkuk, Manbij and Dabiq among others. In this backdrop, since mid-2016, the group has called for increased Read More >